- Artist : Animal Collective
- Song : Today's Supernatural
- Album : Centipede Hz
'Centipede Hz' is an upcoming Animal Collective's first studio effort due to be released on September 3. They have just released the first single from the album called "Today's Supernatural". Brian Weitz said through a recent interview that the band had "gone back to their roots" on the new record and moved away from the sample-heavy direction of their previous album, 'Merriweather Post Pavilion'.
Listen below to Today's Supernatural by Animal Collective and sing along with the Animal Collective - Today's Supernatural lyric. Let us know what you think!
Watch Animal Collective – Today's Supernatural Music Video here
Animal Collective Today's Supernatural Lyrics :-
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
Rap Caesar...
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
Biotic keyhole.
You can dressed yourself in tha city
You can wear your body, wealthy and respected
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
It's not a question for your head,
You come and drove me to the speaker
There's a ruby in your heart... me
Cause your own is sweetest thing inside you
Our home is bitter than a mountain view.
Your thoughts better than you believe in
You should do, sometimes it won't come so easy,
Sometimes you gotta go get it mad.
Ma-aaaa-ad ma-aaaa-ad.
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
She can ease on, listen
Trip in the notes, staying in the name ...on things about
Calling the same.
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
I wrote a question for you babe,
I made it shout it in my head,
Let me invite your heart
They will never be the same.
Cause your own is the sweetest thing inside you,
Our home is bitter than a mountain view.
Your thoughts better than you believe in
You should do, sometimes it won't come so easy,
Sometimes you gotta go get it mad.
Ma-aaaa-ad ma-aaaa-ad.
It's all so supernatural.
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
Eratic Ceasar it's exploding your brain,
It's gonna get me out again
But I don't feel the same.
Come le-le-le-le-le-le-let go
I wrote a question for you again,
I made it shout it in my head,
Let me invite your heart
They will never be the same, sa-aaaaa-ame.
The same!
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